The gift that keeps on giving....
So, I rarely make crochet things for myself. I get far more pleasure giving them to others than I do overloading my house with yarn created treasures. I sell them occasionally as well, to fund the continued purchase of supplies but that is a story for another day.
My Nephew recently turned 5 months old. He's become the most adorable little guy and it's hard to imagine how quickly he's growing. His parents have taken to photographing him every month with the Lupo Sheep I made him for when he was born. Isn't he handsome?!
As an artist/crafter it is absolutely heartwarming to see something
I made still be cherished by those I made it for. Particularly something I nearly kept for myself since I loved it so! Which brings me to the point of this post.
Lupo here took me two weeks to make, picking the project up off-and-on during that time. I had to take ibuprofen to actually finish him as my carpal tunnel would not relent and move past the pain into numbness. To me, the crafter, this is a working piece of love that I gave in hopes that it would mean something to those it was gifted to. Even if this had ended up on my Etsy page I would have still put love and care into making it, knowing it would end up in the arms of a child at some point.
There are those out there that do not understand the amount of work put into these creations however. These people are those that ask for you to make them something they found on facebook without offering anything in return, the half-known friends from 14 years ago that insist on asking for you to make them something despite having a full schedule. The family member that rolls their eyes at Christmas at having been given yet another crafted gift instead of that expensive perfume they asked for. As artists, we cannot sell ourselves short and give in to this kind of negativity or it will eat us alive. I read tales of this on every crafting group I'm in.
If you value anything about yourself, value the things you create. A piece of you goes into each creation, and you are better than being the crafting slave of those around you. As a kind person who loves to please, it's hard to tell people no. Over the years I have had to learn to find my voice however. I no longer make things people request on a whim, and I certainly don't do them for anyone that isn't immediate family. It may appear cold-hearted but it's a defensive measure that has kept me from being taken advantage of.
Now, if I make something to give away it's completely my own decision. I may ask their advice or desires, but I've dictated the timing and terms. I am no longer overwhelmed with requests as I once was, and can finally breathe and create as I see fit. It's amazing what you can do when that pressure is no longer there. Stand up for yourself!
Now that the lecture is out of the way, if you have ever taken a look at Lalylala's crochet patterns and been unsure about whether or not they were worth purchasing I'm here to tell you that they absolutely are. They were extremely well written, with picture help where needed. There are even a youtube video or two to show how to do the legs if you're confused. They're easily modified, and are an awesome baby shower gift =) And no, I'm not a spokesperson and no I'm not getting paid, I just believe in sharing things that I love and reviewing them honestly. The link below will take you to their page, be sure to add it to your favourites!